Giveaway: ASDA Extra Special Hamper
I’m very excited about this giveaway. Firstly, because this Extra Special Hamper by ASDA is packed full of goodies that will more than keep one lucky winner happy over the Easter holidays. Secondly, because next week I am going to get to cook with some of this range with the chefs at Leiths School of Food and Wine, so I’m looking forward to reporting back on that, too. A team of chefs at Leiths have been working very closely with ASDA in order to taste and develop new lines for the Extra Special range, which is great because it means that chefs at Leiths get experience of product and food development and can go on into careers using those skills, whilst ASDA gets the expertise and Leiths input into quality – making the Extra Special range extra special!
All of the products in the hamper are selected from the ASDA Extra Special Range and have also been approved by Leith’s chefs – so you can be sure that everything you get will be top notch. There are even a couple of Extra Special bottles of wine to share with your family and friends over Easter, as well as nibbles , chocolates, meringues – loads!
So, what’s in the hamper?
Extra Special all butter pastry cases
Extra Special artisan flat breads
Extra Special plain chocolate
Extra Special mini meringues
Extra Special strawberry conserve
Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey
Extra Special Italian pesto alla Genovese
Extra Special Aceto Balsamico di Modena
Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists
Extra Special garlic dipping oil
Extra Special apricot crumbles
Extra Special Italian conchiglioni
Extra Special spiced plum and ginger marinade
Extra Special stem ginger chocolate biscuits
Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters
Extra Special black pepper ciabatta croutons
ES Semillon Sauvignon Blanc
ES Chianti Classico Reserva
1. Tell me (by leaving a comment here) what you’d most look forward to eating/trying from the Hamper OR from the ASDA Extra Special Range
2. Follow me on Twitter @RenBehan and say Hi! (leave a comment here to tell me you are following)
3. Follow Fabulicious Food! on Facebook and say Hi! (leave a comment here to tell me you have liked)
4. Tweet this “I would love to win an ASDA Extra Special Hamper via @RenBehan for Easter” (leave a comment here to tell me you have tweeted!)
There is one hamper available to win and ASDA will be responsible for sending it out to the winner, chosen by random.
Delivery can be to any address on mainland UK.
If any item is unavailable ASDA replace it with an item of a similar value.
This giveaway is open until midnight on Friday 23rd March 2011 and the winner will be contacted and announced shortly after.
Good Luck!
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Diana Cotter
Extra Special Apricot Crumbles sound delish 😀
Tweeted @daisyduck123
Followed on twitter @daisyduck123
Extra Special stem ginger chocolate biscuits sound wonderful.. I love chocolate and ginger
Have tweeted “I would love to win an ASDA Extra Special Hamper via @RenBehan for Easter”. @duckard12
Have followed you on twitter and said hi! @duckard12
Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey sounds delicious and I would love to try some!
Following and said Hi on Twitter
I really want to try the Extra Special spiced plum and ginger marinade
Follow Fabulicious Food! on Facebook and say Hi done
Follow me on Twitter @RenBehan done
Extra Special plain chocolate would go down a TREAT!
I would like to try everything but most of all I would like to try ES Chianti Classico Reserva
Extra Special Plain Chocolate– the taste would exhilarate from toe to head….and could even rip van winkle out of bed!
would love to try the Extra Special black pepper ciabatta croutons. They would be great with a salad or in a soup yummy
Extra Special spiced plum and ginger marinade
Liked on facebook
the strawberry conserve sounds lovely.
Oh the spanish orange honey mmm sounds lovely
I have tweeted the competition tweet @hlac1
Following on Facebook and said a quick “Hello”
Following and tweeted to you @hlac1
Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists is the product I’d most love to try, they sound delicious!
I have followed on Facebook left a comment, followed on twitter let you know I have done so and tweeted the above
Now I would like very much to try the Extra Special spiced plum and ginger marinade and spice up the weekend.
: )
Follow on Facebook too
Have Tweeted too as @compcake
Following you on Twitter as @compcake
The Extra Special apricot crumbles sound lovely
I would love to try the apricot crumbles – they sound yummy!
I am following you on twitter (@shazzaspannered) and also liked your page on Facebook.
I have tweeted about the giveaway too.
Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters
sad as it may seem im a huge popcorn fan! lol im always on the quest to find the perfect movie snack!
following u on fb and twitter 🙂
Following and tweeted @SamEyles
Following on Facebook Samantha Eyles
Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters
I would love to try the extra special garlic dipping oil
Mmm definitely the Extra Special spiced plum and ginger marinade, would be yummy with duck!
Extra Special apricot crumbles
Extra Special black pepper ciabatta croutons I have made lots of different soups and these would definitely turn them into something Extra Special
I’d love to try the Extra Special Horseradish Sauce. Just a little of a top quality Horseradish Sauce makes our family favourite smoked mackerel pate taste that bit more special!
Extra Special all butter pastry cases sound yummy!
I wouldlove to try the Extra Special all butter pastry cases as I can involve my children putting in different fruits and custard before eating… it would be fun for them and me.. yum!
I would love to try the Extra Special all butter pastry cases and i would make a delicious strawberry bakewell also by using the extra special strawberry conserve. I am sure it would be delicious. x
Hi, i am following on twitter @pinkwinkgirly and laso on facebook. xx
Simply Sublime
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Name: Nick Hopkins
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I’d love to try the plain chocolate
The orange blossom honey would put a pep in anyone’s weetabix!! 🙂
I am having a dinner party over Easter, would love to try the Pesto alla Genovese!
I am following and have tweeted @lellykings
Have tweeted @linziwoopp
Like on facebook xx
Following on twitter @linziwoopp
It would have to be the ES Plain Chocolate @linziwoopp
ID LOVE TO TRY THE Spanish orange blossom honey
Extra Special spiced plum and ginger marinade hits all the buttons for me
have tweeted @manna777
I’m following and tweeted your comment at Circles_of_mind-thanks
Hi- I would love to try the chianti
I’d love to try the Spanish orange blossom honey – I had an orange blossom macaroon in London and it was amazing!
Cranberry Juice- me, liked you 4 a long time on FB
@SmokinHerbz1 tweeted I would love to win an ASDA Extra Special Hamper via @RenBehan for Easter
@SmokinHerbz1 following you
I’d plumb straight for the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters, what a combi! a new one on me.
I would like to try the stem ginger biscuits and following u on twitter
following on facebook too 🙂
oo the garlic dipping oil sounds lush mmmm <3
@jo4chelsea following u xxx
extra special chocolate for me yummy xxxx
The stem ginger chocolate biscuits look delicious – I’m really into ginger at the moment (and always into chocolate!). My Twitter username is gimmethemcoins, I’ve followed you & tweeted 🙂
i am looking forward to the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters 3 things i love chocolate ( the best of course ) pecans and popcorn .. sounds like evening snack heaven to me
Following on FB and Tweeted.
Bit of a weird one but being a fan of Mafia documentary’s and books and Genovese being one of the prominent names associated with La Cosa Nostra I would now like to try the Pesto Alla Genovese! lol
I’ve tweeted @angiehoggett
already like you on FB
already following you on twitter @angiehoggett
It’s got to be the ES Chianti Classico Reserva perfect for a Friday night wind down!
I tweeted! Laurenm997
i liked fabuliscious food on facebook. Lauren Main
I’m following you on Twitter! @Laurenm997
The extra special apricot crumbles look interesting, yet so very lovelt :2pl
Tweeted message @gouldie7
Follow an Facebook and said Hi!
Following and said Hi! on Twitter
Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters sound interesting – love to try them!
The mini meringues
…tweeted your message. Believe I am all done. Good luck everyone xx
Liked on Facebook 😉
I would love to try the Extra Special All Butter Parmesan and Garlic Mini Twists. It would be so great to share this fantastic hamper with my family and friends on Easter!!
Following on twitter
1 Tell me (by leaving a comment here) what you’d most look forward to eating/trying from the Hamper OR from the ASDA Extra Special Range
2. Follow me on Twitter @RenBehan and say Hi! (leave a comment here to tell me you are following)
3. Follow Fabulicious Food! on Facebook and say Hi! (leave a comment here to tell me you have liked)
4. Tweet this “I would love to win an ASDA Extra Special Hamper via @RenBehan for Easter” (leave a comment here to tell me you have tweeted!)
I’d like to try the Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists. They sound yummy.
I’ve Tweeted – @samanthawesley
I’m already following you on Facebook – SJ Wesley
I’m following you on Twitter @samanthawesley
I’m looking forward to trying Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists
It all looks yummy but the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters sound really interesting, I might just have to go and buy some!
I have tweeted your phrase and I would love to try Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists – I’m a parmesan addict.
I have tweeted 🙂
tweeted @essexgirlSE
following you on FB Essexgirl SE
i have liked on facebook – sarah catherine parker
following you on twitter and said hi @essexgirlSE
the garlic dipping oil sounds yummy – would love to try that
followed on twitter @snarepuss
I would try the wine first 🙂
Stem Ginger biscuits mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummmy lol
I’d like to try the apricot crumbles – have liked you on facebook !!!!
Following on Twitter – Stresbringer
Liked on Facebook – Micky Ricketts
Extra Special stem ginger chocolate biscuits these sound divine, would eat then with a lovely cup of tea after a hard days work.
Would love to try the spiced plum & ginger marmalade, something I would never buy before trying first!
I love tyhe brand as it is honest anmd quality. I would be grateful for any of the items
Hot smoked salmon and king prawn pie – a marriage made in heaven methinks!!!
Have tweeted
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I’d love to try the Extra Special stem ginger chocolate biscuits, because ordinary stem ginger chocolate biscuits drive me crazy, so these would drive me extra special crazy
Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists they looks lush 😀 x
I would love to try the pastry cases with homemade egg custard filling…..yummy
Tweeted @cluckyhen0
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I have tweeted
I would love to win an ASDA Extra Special Hamper via @RenBehan for Easter
I have liked Fabulicious Food on Face book 🙂
Caroline Cumbo
Extra Special Spanish Orange Blossom Honey sounds delicious!
I am following you on twitter 🙂
For me it would have to be the Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey, it sounds so delicious and such a treat, BEST BREAKFAST EVER!
mini chocolate truffle cakes
My husband and I both (luckily) love garlic, so I reckon we’d be most excited about trying the Extra Special garlic dipping oil
I would most look forward to trying the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters! I have followed, liked and tweeted @kategr1982
would love to try the ginger biscuits
have retweeted on twitter
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have followed on twitter
following you on twitter as maursieq
tweeted message
i would most like to try the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters
oh the strawberry conserve for me
apricot crumbles from the hamper – they sound gorgeous
tweeted message – @soosieboo
Following on facebook – Su Tyler
following and said Hi on twitter (@soosieboo)
I use quite a few products from the Extra Special range. One of my favourites is ASDA Extra Special Chorizo Sausages. They make the most amazing toad in the hole.
I’d like to try the mini meringues, but to be quite honest, It would be a great pleasure to try them all.xx
Have said Hi on Fabulicious Food on facebook.
Extra Special Italian pesto alla Genovese – i love pasta with all sorts of different toppings and this would just fit the bill.
Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey in some porridge. Yum.
I’d love to try the mini meringues!
Like on facebook
Following on twitter @rachelyates1986
I’d like to try the mini meringues I have a sweet tooth!
Extra Special Spanish Orange Blossom Honey
It all sounds gorgeous, except the Ginger Biscuits, but I’d share them out at work!
Followed on Facebook 🙂
Apricot crumbles sound good!
I’ve liked on facebook – Emily Anne Hutchinson, tweeted and followed on twitter – @emilyh13
Thanks 🙂
wow! i’d most like to try the apricot crumbles 🙂
I’ve now tweeted you, and rt’ed 🙂
Extra Special plain chocolate … Yum
Thanks 🙂
Liked on Facebook
I think I’d start with The Apricot Crumbles
Extra Special stem ginger chocolate biscuits..because I just love ginger and chocolate…and I can always use the excuse that ginger has medicinal uses when calorie counting!
I have tweeted @ElvinFairy
I am following you on Twitter @ElvinFairy
I would like to try the Extra Special apricot crumbles from the hamper, they sound truly scrumptious, thanks 🙂
Wine and chocolate first in line
biscuits and crumble sound sublime
A balsamic drizzle and a flat bread lunch
and popcorn clusters – oh how i love to munch!!
Extra Special spiced plum and ginger marinade – I can find lots of uses for it as we love a ginger hit. Chinese type stir fries, BBQs, quick stews…
I’d like to try the Extra Special garlic dipping oil. Am following on twitter (@athenajm) and FB and have also tweeted.
Thanks for running this competition
It’s got to be the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters though I think the ES Semillon Sauvignon Blanc would go down quite nicely too!
Extra Special all butter parmesan and garlic mini twists.
I tweeted “I would love to win an ASDA Extra Special Hamper via @RenBehan for Easter”
I follow Fabulous Food! on Facebook and said Hi!
I followed you on Twitter and said Hi!
I really fancy trying The Extra Special apricot crumbles
i would love to try the extra special dipping oil. I bought some homemade dipping oil from a farmers market last year and have really got into it. It would be nice to find another that i like that i can buy from my local supermarket
I would like to try the extra special Belgian milk chocs and pecan popcorn clusters they sound really yummy, liked on facebook and following and tweeted @nikkij301
Follow you on Facebook – Julie silver davies
Strawberry conserve
I have tweeted “I would love to win an ASDA Extra Special Hamper via @RenBehan for Easter” @nataliemay29
I am Following Fabulicious Food! on Facebook and I have said Hi!
I am Following @RenBehan on Twitter and have said Hi! @nataliemay29
Liked on Facebook 🙂
Ginger chocolate biscuits, sounds delicious, also liked and following
I am really looking forward to trying the Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists
Following on twitter @Grannybiker
The garlic dipping oil sounds yummy!
I’m going to try the family vanilla cheesecake, but I may not actually share it with my family!!
The spiced plum and ginger marinade would be great to try with chicken or sea bass.
Have followed you on twitter and liked on facebook and said HI too.
Already a Fan on Facebook but did pop in to say Hi too
Tweeted and said Hi
following on twitter as @tabbaz123
Extra Special garlic dipping oil
Would so love to try the plum and ginger marmalade!!!
I would like to try the Extra Special Mini Meringues, i could eat meringue all day long.
My twitter name is @jimmyadon05 and my facebook name is Jimmy Donovan
I follow you on both
I can’t wait to try the extra special stem ginger chocolate biscuits yum!
following @isabellee1992
Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists
Tweeted @robynlclarke
Like on Facebook and commented(Robyn Logan)
Following and twetted @robynlclarke
I’d love to try the Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey. Nothing like honey on toast for a snack.
Tweeted 🙂
Hi, – i would love to try the meringues – eton mess mmmm
i have followed you on twitter and tweeted, and followed on facebook
following Fabulicious Food on Facebook
Am following on twitter as @manna137
Have liked as Minnie Whittaker on fb xxx
Have followed and tweeted as @mawhittaker
I love the sound of the orange blossom honey, use honey in so much, sweet and savoury.
Looking forward to trying the Extra Special artisan flat breads … sounds lovely
Following on facebook and said Hi
have liked on FB
Emma MSE Smith
have tweeted message
am following in twitter
The extra special garlic dipping oil… sounds divine!
I would love to taste the pesto – am a massive pesto fan (along with the rest of my family.
I’d love the Stem Ginger biscuits, in fact I’m going to buy some as I can’t take the chance of not winning!
I would have a lovely chilled glass of Sauvignon Blanc in one hand, whilst dipping some bread into the garlic dipping sauce (it sounds delicious).
followed on twitter, @lmmeridale
Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters
I’d love to try the Orange Blossom honey, it sounds divine!
I really want to try everything! If I had to pick just one though, I would go for Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey…
Italian pesto alla Genovese – sounds great
Have tweeted @Dwerrycat
Follow and liked Fabulicious Food! on Facebook
Following @RenBehan on Twitter. @Dwerrycat
I’d like to try the Extra Special garlic dipping oil. Really enjoy some lovely bread with dipping oils and some olives.
I already follow you on facebook and have commented underneath the competition post on your wall saying hi!
love to try Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey sounds yummy!!
Extra Special stem ginger chocolate biscuits, would eat them all myself, too good to share.
Good luck all x
I would love to try the Extra Special black pepper croutons. A great way to pep up a bowl of soup.
I would love to try a glass or two of the ES Semillon Sauvignon Blanc with the Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists to nibble on. This is a really well thought out/put together hamper and will be a massive treat for the lucky winner.
Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters sound like the ideal way to squander a Saturday afternoon in front of the TV. I just hope they come in a small bag, for my waistline’s sake!
Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters
Have tweeted the message @boywillie
Am following on facebook
I would love to try the Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey. Have honey in my porridge every morning, this would add an extra twist.
I have tweeted your message on Twitter – tweet me @aesop30
I am Followin Fabulicious Food! on Facebook and have said Hi! (Alice Hindley)
I am following on Twitter and have said Hi!
tweet me @aesop30
tweete as @downingarms87
I would love to try the Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists
liked on Facebook
Following on twitter as @downingarms87
ES Semillon Sauvignon blanc
I would absolutely love to try Extra Special Belgian Milk Chocolate and Pecan Popcorn Clusters! I adore chocolate and pecan nuts but have never had them mixed together – this sounds like heaven!
Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters these sound scrummy
The Extra Special garlic dipping oil sounds fabulous would love to give that a try – following on FB
I’d love to try the Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey
I’d most look forward to trying Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters – mmm just reading it is making my tummy rumble! ha
Chocolate, pecan nuts and popcorn all at once… can’t get much better than that!
Liked and shared on Facebook
Tweeted message “I would love to win an ASDA Extra Special Hamper via @RenBehan for Easter” on twitter from @compkeith
Following on Twitter @compkeith
I would love the ASDA Extra Special Strawberry conserve to put on my toast.
Tweeted too!/Jo_Bryan/status/182721389525082112
Said hi on FB
Following and said Hi here!/Jo_Bryan/status/182720578413801472
Hi Ren, I would love to try the Hand finished fruit tart (link below)from the Extra Special range, it looks so fresh and light and probably is. must go to Asda soon and try it. Thanks for the opportunity, that hamper looks fab.
Loving the stem ginger chocolate biscuits…..
I’d love to try the apricot rumbles, they sound delicious!
Loving the Extra Special Stem Ginger Chocolate Biscuits!!
Tweeted @ali991 would love to follow but apparently I have hit a following limit 😐
Just joined you on fb and waved hello (picture with waterfall)
Extra Special spiced plum and ginger marinade sounds exciting and I could experiment with different meals
Following on Twitter and liked Fabulicous Food on FB.Have also tweeted above message as well.
The orange blossom honey – sounds delicious!
Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey
I’ve tweeted the message! @Laura_Cookies
Following on twitter @Laura_Cookies and have said hi! x
Already following on facebook, have said hi and given you a wave! 🙂 (Laura Carrol)
I think I would most like to try the Stem Ginger Chocolate biscuits, they sound amazing! Though I would enjoy trying all of it 🙂
The Extra special Plain chocolate sounds yummy and divine!
Have tweeted the status @angiesandhu
already liked on Facebook
already follow on twitter @angiesandhu
i would love to try the stem ginger biscuits
I’d love to try the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters – 2 treats in 1, yum!!
stem ginger chocolate biscuits
I love apricot, so I’d really look forward to trying the ‘Extra Special apricot crumbles’
ES Semillon Sauvignon Blanc would be the item id be most looking forward to trying although everything sounds fabulous! (sorry not on Twitter!)
Have tweeted your message @fairyprinces31
Have liked on FB
Following on Twitter @fairyprincess31
The Extra Special artisan flat breads. Bit of a bread fiend!
I have tweeted about the giveaway
I have liked on facebook
I am following on twitter as @Rozyanna
would look forward to trying the apricot crumbles!
Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey sounds lush !
following you on twitter @pinkglitter_ali
i would most like to try Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters, because i’m nutty about chocolate and nuts
Following you on twitter and said ‘Hi’ @UptonAndrea
Tweeted about the competition. @WrightyH
‘liked’ on facebook! Hilda Wright. Thanks!
The Extra Special Strawberry Conserve, sounds like it would be delicious on some fresh scones with cream!
Following on Twitter. @WrightyH
I’d like to try Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters, sounds weird but I bet its fantastic!
I’d love to try the Extra Special apricot crumble. Lovely competition. Thanks alot.
Already follow you on Twitter and have tweeted
Already follow on facebook
ES Semillon Sauvignon Blanc
I would like to try the Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn cluster, they sound yummy and different
followed on facebook Alice Boardman 🙂
following twitter at @caliben7
tweeted here!/caliben7/status/182576754139996160
And finally I have also tweeted.
Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists and not sharing!!
I am already a fan on Facebook
I am already a twitter follower @muslimahi
Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters sound delicious right now
The Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists sound delish!
I’d love to try the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters – sounds yummy!
Just the thought of the Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists is making my mouth water!
I would like to try the Mini Chocolate Truffle Cakes….they look amazing!
Followed, Liked And Tweeting
I would love to have something unique to eat, so can’t wait to try creating the garlic dipping oil sauce.
apricot crumbels, dont mind if so do 😉
it has to be the stem ginger chocolate biscuits!!
I’d like to try the Italian conchiglioni!
all of it looks fantastic, but the Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists sound yummy
Hi, I have tweeted as @Ziji333.
Just tweeted as @debwh142
Extra special spanish orange blossom honey sounds very delicious as i have a sweet tooth.
Following on facebook as Deborah Wheeler and left a comment
Already following you on twitter as @debwh142
following on facebook.dont understand twitter
id love to try the strawberry conserve.yummy…
The Spanish Orange blossom honey sounds delicious
I have liked on facebook
follow on fb
emma walters
follow on twitter
would love to try the stem ginger & choc biscuits, they wouldnt last long 🙂
I have tweeted, @stacy1978stacy
Would love to try the Garlic Dipping oil, have started to love these loads!
Im following you on twitter @stacy1978stacy
Id love to try the garlic dipping oil, my mouth is watering
Sorry forgot Tweeted and liked on FB…
You ask me to choose one item!! Well then…a glass of wine and Apricot Crumbles….I can actually taste them now!! RuthMSEGee on Twitter
I would love to try the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters
Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists are what sounds the most yummy, I think I may have to enter into an affray in my house to get my hands on them as everyone would want those
I follow on twitter as @Rghostheart and have tweeted, also like on Facebook.
I’ve tweeted the tweet @snowted
I’ve liked on Facebook (Tink Rhonda Lee Mse)
Following you on twitter as @snowted.
Most looking forward to trying the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters.
I’d love to try Asda extra special chilli and garlic mackerel it sounds delicious!!
Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists sound lovely and I would love to try these
I’d love to try Extra Special stem ginger chocolate biscuits, because we rarely have biscuits in the house, and only I like stem ginger biscuits
and finally I have tweeted
Many thanks
Delicious and yummy definitely the best, for taste and value it outdoes the rest.
Liked you on facebook
Following you on Twitter with a ‘Hi’
The Apricot crumbles look oh so tempting !
tweeted on twitter @LucyWalker15
followed on twitter @LucyWalker15
like to try the orange blossom honey.
followed on FB, Alana Walker
would love to try the plain chocolate!
I have liked the Facebook page too
I’d love to try the Estra Special garlic dipping oil, sounds like it would be delicious with warm, fresh bread!
Extra Special Italian pesto alla Genovese, it sounds delicious!!
would love to try the Stem Ginger cookies, facebook fan in same name
i have tweeted as @mofind and followed on facebook
ES Chianti Classico Reserva i would love to taste this on a cool summer evening
Tweeted also as @freyamae1
Liking on twitter as @freyamae1
Liking on facebook
Id love to try the Extra Special artisan flat breads I love bread with my evening meal
I would love to try “Extra Special apricot crumbles”
Following you on FB
Following you on twitter and have tweeted @LindyHine
I am most looking forward to trying the Extra Special Garlic Dipping Oil as I eat a lot of mediterranean food and feel this would go with my meals perfectly!
mmmmmmm the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters sound too good to be true…and far too good to share!!!
tweeted @BearsBlueGirly and following on FB
The Extra Special Mini Meringues are the number one choice for me,
Ideal for a very British ‘High Tea’,
So fluffy & crisp & chewy,
A finger buffet must have, lets celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee!
Topped with fresh strawberries & clotted cream so yummie,
A must have in a picnic now the weather is so warm & sunny.
I would love to try all the Asda Extra Special range in the hamper just so i could invite my family over and treat them for a change with some lovely luxuries for Easter.
I’m following you on Twitter and have tweeted.
I’ve tweeted too 🙂 @pipersky1
Extra special all butter pastry cases look interesting. I could put a lemony cheesecake filling in them Yum Yum.
Liked on FB Tim Bain
Following @TimothyBain
Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey is what I’d love to try, I’m a honey freak and it’s awfully good for us 🙂
So much lovely things to choose from…..but I think the one I would most like to try is the Extra Special Spanish Orange Blosson honey, sounds delicious and I use lots of honey either in my daily yoghurt or in cooking.
Following on Facebook
With my incredibly sweet tooth I would love to try the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters!
Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters looks yummy
I’m already a fan on facebook
I’m liking on Facebook and just said hi!
I’d love to try the Extra Special stem ginger chocolate biscuits
I would LOVE to try the stem ginger chocolate biscuits!! My boyfriend and I are obsessed with ginger biscuits recently, and I’d love to take this hamper and have a lovely picnic with him!
Follow on FB and said hello on your wall 🙂 @pipersky1
Folllowed on Twitter and said hello 🙂 @pipersky1
The Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters because they look amazingly yummy! And I’m greedy 🙂 @pipersky1
Followed, tweeted and liked
The Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters. Chocolate and pecans YUM!!
Following on Twitter and sent you a message @dogma321
Extra Special mini meringues
tweeting as @mister_steven
plum and ginger marinade sounds delicious :O)
I have liked Fabulous Food on Facebook.
I’d like to try the Extra Special strawberry conserve
Have Tweeted!!/MillyYMA/status/182494847972818945
Liked on FB – Milly Youngman
Following on Twitter, MillyYMA
I’d like to try the Italian conchiglioni!
Extra Special spiced plum and ginger marinade over a duck breast with a lovely glass of wine. perfect
The Apricot Crumbles sound yummy!
Extra Special black pepper ciabatta croutons LOVE PEPPER sounds yummy!
I would look forward to trying the ES Chianti Classico Reserva, Chianta one of my favourite wines
the extra special plain chocolate
The plum and ginger marinade – I’m thinking already about what I can cook with it.
Have liked and said hi on the FB page
Those apricot mumbles sound sensational x
following on facebook, twitter@bigmumma. would love to try to pastry cases and the orange blossom honey from the hamper. could make good use of the pastry cases and experiment with different fillings and toppings.a fab yummy prize.xx
have tweeted your message from @lastkiss5
Following you on twitter….I said hi 🙂
(hopefully correctly, I’m a twitter newbie and still not sure what I’m doing!!!
I have liked on Facebook (Larley Haylar)
I really would love to try the Apricot Crumbles, they sound divine
The Extra Sepcial apricot crumbles sound very nice I’d love to try these 🙂
I would love to try the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters – they sound delicious!
wow it all sounds delicious – I would love to try the orange blossom honey
following on twitter as @clarateddy
following on facebook
Extra Special apricot crumbles you cant beat a good pudding!!!
Following and tweeted as leiane1 wrote on your wall and liked as leiane hardy
Extra Special black pepper ciabatta croutons MMMM would love to try!
tweeted competition with @phyllgerry
Already like on FB with ID Phyllis Ellett and said Hi
Already following on twitter with @phyllgerry and whispered Hi!
Got to try the Extra Special mini meringues with the Extra Special strawberry conserve. Need some lovely vanilla ice-cream to go with it. Sweet heaven
I love meringue so Extra Special mini meringues would be the first things i’d devour. 🙂
following on facebook and twitter and have tweeted (stevescomp)
I particularly like the look of the Extra Special spiced plum and ginger marinade, sounds like a yummy addition to some fine pork. Washed down with the ES Chianti Classico Reserva! Following as @Anotherwombat and retweeted, and liked as Davethewombat on FB.
Followed Fabulicious Food! on Facebook and said Hi!
Followed you on Twitter @RenBehan and said Hi! @theorecle
Extra Special artisan flat breads
I have tweeted the message. username @MarcusWheel
I have liked Fabulicious Food! on Facebook
I have followed on Twitter. Username @MarcusWheel
I’d love to try Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters
I have tweeted as @00annabellee00
I like your Facebook page as Annabel Lee
I’m following you on Twitter as @00annabellee00
Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists
Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters
I’ve tweeted the giveaway message. My Twitter username is @Ianthesunlover
I like the Fabulicious Food Facebook page very much.
I’m following you on Twitter and have tweeted to say “Hi” 🙂 My Twitter name is @Ianthesunlover
I’d try the Extra Special Italian conchiglioni from the hamper first – Italian pasta is rather irresistible, and very delicious!
Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters – my 3 favourite things in a cluster, yum yum!
Has to be the Extra Special Stem Ginger AND CHOCOLATE biscuits – Now that is special, where’s my dunking mug
I can’t wait to try the Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists. Following on twitter as @debsjeav & tweeted also liked on FB
Decisions, decisions…First out the box would be the Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey
Tweeted and Following on Twitter @P_E1
The parmesan and garlic mini twists sounds yummy
Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters
I’m following you on Facebook as ‘Francesca Light-Wilson’
I’ve tweeted about the competition as @LoveWinning
I’m following you on Twitter as @LoveWinning 🙂
I’d love to try the ‘Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey’. I love honey but I’ve no doubt this would be ten times more delicious than the standard honey I currently spread on my toast!
I have also tweeted @Nicola_Reynolds!/Nicola_Reynolds/status/181814605025259522
Following Fabulicious Food! on Facebook – Nicola Marie Reynolds
Following on Twitter @Nicola_Reynolds
I would most like to try the Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists
Liked on facebook
Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters
I’d like to give the ES Semillon Sauvignon Blanc a try.
The Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate sounds yummy
Id like to try the Extra Special black pepper ciabatta croutons on a very large Chicken Ceaser Salad,mmmmmmm
facebook liked , now i just need those stem ginger cookies…lol
I would love to taste the strawberry conserve on a warm scone with clotted cream with my boyfriend. As we have afternoon tea every anniversary, and love a good warm scone and tasting whether clotted cream first is best or Jam :).
p.s I have liked you on facebook and I am now a twitter follower and announced my fondness of the hamper.
I already follow you on facebook and put a message on the thread for this lovely giveaway.
I have tweeted as @auroradreaming too
I am already following you on twitter as @auroradreaming and have sent you a little message!
I love the sound of the garlic dipping oil ….. she says buying a huge loaf of farmhouse bread in anticipation of dunking ..!
I’d like to try the ES Semillon Sauvignon Blanc!
I’ve liked Fabulous Food on FB
have tweeted @LouiseRWs
am already following you on tweeter @LouiseRWs
Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey sounds devine
Tweeted too
Liked via FB – Sarah Littleboo Anguish
Following you via Twitter and tweeted
Extra Special garlic dipping oil
Have tweeted and now following! Got my eye on the conchiglie with the pesto!
I would love to try the Extra Special stem ginger chocolate biscuits
I have like on Facebook I
I am following you on twitter
i have tweeted @hoops120
Following facebook
Twitted I would love to win an ASDA Extra Special Hamper via @RenBehan for Easter”
Following Twitter @uk_ashley
I would try Extra Special plain chocolate
Tweeted – @clairew137
Follow on Twitter – @clairew137
Follow on FB – @clairew137
Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey
Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters
Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists
I have tweeted the message on twitter. 🙂
I have liked on facebook and said Hi. 🙂
I am already following you on twitter and have said Hi.
I would most like to try the Extra Special stem ginger chocolate biscuits – they sound lovely.
iv liked on facebook :o)
well as im welsh and wales have just won the rugby i would like the ES Semillon Sauvignon Blanc so i could have a glass or 2 to celebrate :o)
Following on twitter and facebook, tweeted messages and would very much like to try the garlic dipping oil, yum!
What a fab prize have gone over to fb and liked
And I have tweeted on this fine St. Patrick’s Day (Is there such a thing as St. Partick’s day food, or is it all Guinness?), @UtterlyBumpty. Many thanks and kind regards.
And I follow you on Facebook, Arabella Bazley…
I already follow you on Twitter, @UtterlyBumpty
I’d really like to try their Extra Special Aceto Balsamico di Modena. You can spend more than you would on a bottle of wine for Balsamic and there has to be a more economic version worthy of a splash!
I really fancy the Extra Special strawberry conserve…but with toast or scones, now that’s the question!
Id like to try the Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists.
they sound very tasty
I’d love to try the Extra Special stem ginger chocolate biscuits
liked on Facebook
have tweeted
I would love to win an ASDA Extra Special Hamper via @RenBehan for Easter
as @Flashquacks
following you and said Hi on twitter as @Flashquacks
i love honey, so the Spanish Orange blossom honey sounds lovely.
tweeted @cachexia1
liked on facebook
followed @cachexia1
Extra Special black pepper ciabatta croutons sound delicious
Extra Special strawberry conserve mmmm
Hi following on facebook
Following @DawnieEA and Dawn Adams on Facebook. I would love to try the Extra Special strawberry conserve, would be great in a Victoria Sponge.
The spiced plum and ginger marinade sounds interesting.
I would love to try the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters – they sound so yum!
Have liked on Facebook & commented – Laura Seely
Following you on Twitter & have tweeted – @laurajaneseely
followed on facebook
followed on twitter
afternoon, what a selection, would love to try “spanish orange, blossum honey”, sounds intresting
Already following on Twitter – @beachrambler
Extra Special strawberry conserve sounds delicious – would probably be great on ice cream as well as toast!
love to try the ES Semillon Sauvignon Blanc my favorite
liked on facebook
Have also liked Fabulicious Food on facebook and retweeted I would love to win an ASDA Extra Special Hamper via @RenBehan for Easter
I would love to try the ES Semillon Sauvignon Blanc and I am also following on twitter @rozsarg
The Orange Blossom honey – I woke up with the start of a cold this morning so it will be honey and lemon drinks for the next few days!
I have like your facebook page.
I am now following you on twitter.
They all sound delicious. I would love to try the Extra Special stem ginger chocolate biscuits. Thank you for running such a fantastic competition. Good luck to all 🙂
the ES Chianti Classico Reserva a nice treat
I have tweeted – @paulaburnside
I follow Fabulicious Food on facebook
Im following you on twitter – @paulaburnside
The Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters look Yummy. I will be buying some of these to try next time Im at Asda.
Extra Special garlic dipping oil would be a great addition to pizza or pasta
Definitely the apricot crumbles! I love apricot and fruity desserts!
said Hello on facebook!
I would love to try the Orange Blossom Honey – a marriage made in Asda!
Already following you on Twitter and have said Hi
Following you on FB and have said Hi
Have tweeted comment
Would love to try the strawberry conserve on some thick crusty bread or toast
ES Semillon Sauvignon Blanc is my Favouite wine, I can drink it and think of warm sunshine and wonderful suculent juicy grapes growing fresh on thir vines
I already follow you on Twitter as @alicomps
I am already a fan on Facebook
The Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters sound delicious, and perfect for a night in front of a film!
The Extra Special Garlic Dipping Oil.
Already like your Facebook page
Have tweeted
Already following you on Twitter
The stem ginger chocolate biscuits sound delicious!
The apricot crumbles are making my mouth water already!
Just hand over the wine and no one has to get hurt! Seriously, I am not near an Asda so am unfamiliar with their food – new ranges or otherwise. A lot of people I see through my work at the cancer centre shop there so it would be good to see/experience the quality first hand. Great comp! PS LIke the sound of Jaden’s new book.
liked and said hi on facebook
followed and tweeted as @tldoddster
Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey this sounds delicious on my porridge
Hi there, I follow you as @rikkab, and have retweeted, also said Hi on facebook. I would love to be eating the Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists.
I would like to try the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters.
liked already on facebook
tweeted @kidsandstuff
following on twitter @kidsandstuff
Extra Special stem ginger chocolate biscuits!
following you on facebook, what an amazing yummy prize
i’d love to try the Extra Special spiced plum and ginger marinade – sounds delish!
have followed on facebook (and said hi!) also tweeted you, and have tweeted the above (@missberavin85)
Fab giveaway! 🙂
the Extra Special range is the best
Tweeted message @luckygoldcat 🙂
Following on Facebook
Already following on Twitter @luckygoldcat
Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists. That would be me happy, bottle of wine…
Extra Special artisan flat breads sound divine. In fact the whole hamper would be great for when freinds come around for an informal meal.
following on twitter!
All of it!!!!
anything which contains chocolate
AAm already a fan of facebook page – would love this ASDA hamper
I have tweeted.
Following Fabulicious Food! on Facebook as Maya Russell
Following you on Twitter.
I’d most like to try the Extra Special garlic dipping oil because I’ve heard that garlic helps ward off colds and insect bites.
Have tweeted @kooky_kate x
Am following you on Facebook.
Am following you on twitter @kooky_kate
The Extra Special stem ginger chocolate biscuits would make my morning cup of tea very special.
I’d love to try Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey – sounds wicked!
Have tweeted @captainsunflow
Am following you on twitter @captainsunflow
I’d like to try the Extra Special Plain Chocolate
I’d love to try the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters
Extra Special Aceto Balsamico di Modena. I’ve never tried it. Even the name sounds delicious.
Hi! Liked you on facebook, fab comp.
Finally I have tweeted the magic tweet @tinkerbellgemz x x x
I would like to try the artisan flat breads. I try to make my own bread as often as possible and love trying new varieties and makes to get inspiration.
I have liked you on Facebook 🙂 and said hi 😉
Following you on twitter @tinkerbellgemz
Extra Special all butter pastry cases sound scrumptious!!!
Whoops slight typo organge obviously should be orange. But I also like the look of the plum and ginger marinade.
I love the sound of the organge blossom honey and I do have the perfect UK address!
For me I would like the Extra Special Aceto Balsamico di Modena please!!
I’ve tweeted.
I like Fabulicious Food! on facebook.
I follow @RenBehan on twitter.
I’d love to try the Extra Special Spanish Orange Blosson Honey.
I love the sound of Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters. I love a scrummy snack! Im following on facebook and twitter.
FB Follower & have commented. I would love to try the mini meringues but the popcorn clusters sound delicious too.
i have tweeted as @ashlallan
i follow on twitter as @ashlallan
the Extra Special mini meringues
I have tweeted! Thanks so much for the wonderful giveaway!!!
I am already a fan of your Facebook page and have liked and shared your comp post! Tracy K Nixon
I am a Twitter follower and have tweeted! @tracyknixon
Ohhhh they all sound so wonderful but I must admit I would quite like to get my teeth into the Extra Special Italian conchiglioni!!!!
Stem ginger biscuits sound very moorish. I already follow on twitter
I’d love everything in the hamper – my family will be visiting at Easter and it would all be such a treat!. I think I’ve tweeted but I really don’t understand that so am commenting just so I will be in the competition!
already like on FB & have said Hi!
have tweeted too
already following & have said Hi! x
I would like to try the stem ginger biscuits – I’ve had the chocolate pecan popcorn & it was lovely!
tweeted @baggiesbabe69
Already like you on FB. Ness Gorton
I follow you on twitter & have just been chatting with you.
I’d love to try the Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists
And I’ve just retweeted your competition link via @alexbrayphoto
I follow you on facebook & say Hi there too!
I follow you on twitter & regularly say Hi!!!
I’d love to try the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters ……
Have tweeted competition link @lisajane13 x
Tweeted on @mummyvswork 🙂
Already follow Fabulicious Food on facebook and have said hi x
following on FB and have commented 🙂
Following on twitter @mummyvswork
Extra Special all Butter parmesan and garlic mini twists sound yummy!
FFollowing you on twitter, @lisajane13 hi x
I would love to try the Extra Special Belgian milk chocolate and pecan popcorn clusters, they sound lovely x
I follow you on facebook too 🙂
I also follow you on twitter (@amylane)
I’ve tweeted your message
Wow! What an amazing looking hamper – I wouldn’t know where to start! I would really look forward to the spiced plum and ginger marinade.
I already follow you on twitter
I look forward to trying the plum and ginger marinade as I have never had it. I am following you on Twitter and have said “Hi”; I have “liked” Fabulicious Food! on facebook and have tweeted the message. Fingers crossed Sue x
I already follow you on Facebook
I like the sound of the plum and ginger marinade…would be fun to try!
Following you on twitter and have tweeted @LindyHine
Following you on FB
I’d love to try the Extra Special Spanish orange blossom honey – it sounds like it should taste of sunshine!