2012 Bucket List Blog Hop!
Inspired by fellow local food blogger Clare of The Vegetarian Experience, I began thinking of my Bucket List, which is a big list of all the things you want to do in your life before you die. In many ways, it was quite hard to come up with a definitive list and I’m sure that over the next few days many more exciting things with come to mind. However, I have made a start and it is interesting, if not probably quite predicable, to see that much of it is family, travel and food related. I prefer to call it my list of dreams and aspirations…
Here goes (in no particular order):
- Take a foodie trip to Poland with my hubby and kids to rediscover my roots and show them what a beautiful country it is
- Take a West Coast train trip or road trip (in a Meet the Fockers style motor home/R.V) from California to Seattle and catch up with my sister there
- Spend time with all my family in one country (we are a bit scattered)
- Build the kitchen of my dreams big enough to hold all my cook books and run cookery classes in
- Have more children
- Have singing lessons/join a choir
- Learn how to bake and decorate beautiful cakes with chocolate and fruit (maybe take a patisserie course)
- Grow my own fruit and veg and have chickens and a micro pig (!)
- Work from home, write an iPad app or an eBook of some kind (to help others learn how to cook/to encourage kids to cook)
- Live in a foreign country for a bit, ideally America or Canada (somewhere near the sea/lakes and mountains)
- Added – De-clutter my house (that’s a good one from mummasays list!)
- Added – Go on the trans-siberian express from Russia to China – this is a really good one from Mutterings of a Fool’s list!)
- Added – Keep learning and finish all the things I have started
- Added – Stay in a lovely French farmhouse and visit Lourdes (have been reminded I started planning this last year)
- Added – Encourage my children to learn a musical instrument
- Added – take a food photographycourse
- Added – make better choices (in small ways) to make a bigger difference
Two of my sisters taking a trip to the mountains in Washington State
(I’d love to be in the same place as all my family!)
What do you think? Achievable? Boring? A bit strange? I have no idea why I want a micro pig, but I do. I am quite surprised that “Go on a Winnebago trip” is on a few lists!
Clare also wrote a ‘Blog’ Bucket List, which was a good idea and included interviewing a vegetarian celebrity or chef. If she ever gets to meet Yotam Ottoenghi, I will be going along with her!
I also asked my four and a half year old to compile a list. My son’s bucket list:
- Go swimming every day
- Go to Wales
- Play in the garden all the time
The moral of this blog post is this: life is much less complicated when you are four!
To join in with this Blog Hop go here or click on the image above. I look forward to reading all the other posts! And I will keep adding to mine!
My six year olds just wanted it to be Christmas every day for the rest of the year, but strangely enough that is not one of my goals in life!
Good luck with that list – just did my foodie resolutions and now they look very boring and conservative!
LOVE your son’s list. Happy new year (I’ll join you on that foodie trip to Poland).
Hi Sally, you are never boring or conservative. You constantly push the boundaries, challenge yourself and inspire others to. You inspire me to want to be a better writer, to follow more causes, to take better photos. Your blog is the gold-standard, you have a strong voice, you are unique.
I would LOVE to take the foodie trip to Poland. Seriously, when you are over in the UK couldn’t we hop on a plane for the weekend to Krakow?!
I’m so excited as to what 2012 will bring. x
Glad you like my idea! It looks like an amazing journey, would be so much fun to just sit and watch the landscape change. A great list though, totally agree on the big kitchen
Thank you 🙂 As you can see I keep adding to it, it’s actually quite nice to have a list, something I guess to refer back to 🙂
that is one great bucket list! i’ve been trying to make this year’s new year’s resolution a lot simpler on myself though!
Yes, my immediate resolution is to look into a veg patch 🙂 Though I’d love to travel more!
Hi Ren, am so happy that you have joined in my blog hop. I love yours. I would love to do USA in an RV too and am with you on the big kitchen one – although I am not quite sure about the pig??? 😛 I love your eldest’s bucket list – you are right, it is so much simpler when they are 4. My eldest one was to stay at home and play with her princesses all day and go to Willows all the time!!
Thanks for joining in my 2012 Bucket List Blog Hop xxx
Thanks for hosting Clare and for the inspiration in the first place. It’s always nice to think about hopes and dreams and who knows, even complete a few things as the years roll on! I would love a little micro-piggie in my back garden, they are so cute. Can’t get a cat or dog as most of the family have an allergy! Anyway good luck with your blog, it’s great to see so many ideas on everyone else’s lists too!
No-one could accuse you of being unadventurous, Ren! I did an RV trip once, starting from Seattle: we went East for a day, North for a day (into Canada), West for a day, and then South for a day (remarkably ending up pretty much where we had started!) It was a novel experience being able to cook whilst on the move. We’re also having a go at de-cluttering the house, but the trouble is we keep unearthing all those “long lost treasures” that we can’t bear to part with.
Ha, thanks Mark. I do love adventure! And I have throught of at least ten more things to add to the list already. Our problem with de-cluttering is that we seem to just also keep acquiring. I went to a table top sale and came back with more things than I took to sell!
PS The veg plot is a definite to-do this year!
Thanks for adding a link to my blog! 🙂
Love your list, maybe you could teach me a thing or two in your cooking classes when you build your dream kitchen, I’m not the best cook!
Also love your sons list, oh to be 4 again 🙂
Ah you’re very welcome. I love the fact that you have a whole tab for your list and cross things off when they are done. Great idea.
I know, how sweet to be four and only want those things!
I must de-clutter my house.
I am seriously off to investiagte that trans-siberian train trip!!