If you have kids, you may be familiar with Anorak Magazine – the happy magazine for kids which is available both in the UK and now in the US. A little while ago (actually quite a while ago, I got a little snowed-under) I was sent a copy of the new cookbook published by Anorak Press called ‘Food is Fun – Foodie Fun for Kids’ which takes a really ‘fun’ look at food with the aim of trying to get kids excited about ingredients and to encourage them to help out in the kitchen.
‘Food is Fun’ is written and put together in much the same style as Anorak Magazine. It is full of activities and food facts for children, for example, a message from Professor Clever Cloggs encourages kids to “Eat something different every day” and “Make your meals colourful” whilst Larry Lemon shares a recipe for ‘Zingy Lemonade’ and Olaf Orange tells you how to make a ‘Deliciously Fluffy Orange Cake’ using just a few ingredients and with simple steps. There are also plenty of other recipes for kids to try (under supervision).
The book also introduces kids to vegetables in a fun way – Greedy Greg talks about white food – Cauliflower, Garlic, Turnip and Jerusalem Artichoke with a question at the end “Can you think of any other white food?” as well as orange food – Saffron, Carrot, Starfruit, Sweet Potato and green food – Artichoke, Asparagus, Mint, Cucumber. I like the fact that less obvious vegetables are highlighted throughout the book in a way that really gets kids thinking.
My overall impression of ‘Food is Fun’ is that it is informative and educational as well as being fun to read and look at. There are magazine-style activities, such as a word search, a dot to dot game leading into a lentil salad and recipes to try. My favourite recipe is the “Super Easy Cake a Monkey Could Make” – for the title alone!
I would say the book is most suited for the seven + age group and would make a great gift, although my four year old enjoyed looking at the pictures and tried some of the activities and in my view, it’s never too early to start getting kids interested in food!
If you have kids who like to draw, check out Anorak’s competition for kids to draw a ‘happy cover’ for the magazine’s 5th anniversary edition – Happy Cover Competition
‘Food is Fun’ is made by Cathy Olmedillas and Rob Lowe at The Anorak Press.
Thank You to Cathy for sending me a review copy.
>Haven't seen it myself in the shops but its around!!
>I've never heard of the magazine, must look out for it 🙂