Golden Leek Soup for a Wise Man

You can tell it is January as everyone is writing posts about soup or muesli. We’ve all over-indulgedΒ during the festive period and today, as the decorations come down, it is time to face the music. It’s all change for me in many ways as my little boy goes back to school on Monday and myΒ daughter goes to nursery for the very first time, swapping her usual nap time for toddler-filled playtime. I have resolved not to use the time to write, but instead, to hit the gym and enjoy theΒ precious couple ofΒ hours I will have to myself. We’ll see how that goes…Β Β 

I can’t tell you how much my little boy loves leek soup. He askes for it all the time. This is the simplest of soups to make, just three ingredients and a stock cube,Β yet it brings such comfort. You might even have these ingredients growing in your veg patch or on your allotment – another of my resolutions! This year, he was a Wise Man in his school Nativity play and given that today is the feast of The Three Kings, I promised I would makeΒ ‘golden soup’ for us to eat. The feedback today was: “Mummy, this leek soup is so yummy, I would like to fill up the bath with itΒ and have a rest in it tonight!”Β  So, in case there are any Wise Men passing by your house tonight, needing a bath or just a bowl of soup, here’s our recipe for Golden Leek Soup.

[gmc_recipe 1978]Β 

Bye bye festive plates and bowls for another year!

I’m hoping to open up Family Friendly Fridays here as a blog event soon as well as rounding-up and re-instating Simple and in Season VERY soon!

In the meantime, I’m also linking this up to Helen’s Frugal FoodΒ Fridays!

Frugal Food Fridays


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  1. Loved this soup recipe – thank you! My 3 year old son loved it too so this will be a firm fave for the future.

    1. Aah thanks for letting me know Jeni. I made it again yesterday and added some cooked macaroni pasta to bulk it up a bit πŸ™‚

  2. Hmmm, a leek soup bath… Well, I guess if seaweed wraps caught on, why not leek baths? πŸ˜‰ Soup looks lovely – and you forgot salads in your list. We’re all posting muesli, soup and salad in the wake of our festive indulgence πŸ˜‰

    1. Hi Jeanne, that’s true. Too cold for me and I hardly ever eat salads in any case, bad girl! Hope you are all well. I know, leek soup bath?!

  3. I will be book marking this soup. I love leek and potato but I have never thought of adding carrots.

    1. Yes, just adds a little extra colour and flavour, my kids love carrots!

  4. I forget about making a simple leek soup, but it is good. Such nice comments from your wee one πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks Jac, yes, he’s so sweet. Hope 2012 has staretd well for you x

  5. a gorgeous looking soup and I love the shot of the empty bowl! LEt me know when you open up the family friendly fridays and I shall link in! x

    1. Hi Nazima, thanks so much. Yes, I still have a big backlog, this week my goal is to round-up Simple and in Season and get a new round going as well as Family Friendly Fridays!!

    1. Thanks Laura, all the best for the New Year! xx

    1. Hi Helen, added the blog hop code too – exciting!

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