Joining team Prepped! and recipe testing for Vanessa Kimbell
Yesterday I had a wonderful conversation (split into two by my Blackberry deciding to die mid-sentence) with the hugely talented multi-tasking foodie Vanessa Kimble.
Vanessa is a foodie blogger and is writing a cookbook, called Prepped! which is due to be published in May 2011.
I often come across people who talk about following their dreams, of all the things they’d love to do, but rarely do you meet/speak to someone who is actually doing it.
Here’s where Vanessa Kimbell is a true inspiration. She’s a mum-of-three, who gave up a high-powered day job to pursue her dream of writing a cook book. She has a book deal and is currently in the throes of putting together a glorious collection of recipes designed for the ‘Time Short Foodie.’
Vanessa’s ‘About Me’ section is about as impressive as it gets. She is a trained chef, has a collection of over 400 cook books (just a few more than me!) speaks fluent French, has worked in lots of cool places and is well, a bit of a culinary genius, in my view. I won’t give too much away, suffice to say I am hugely looking forward to the launch of her book. I wish her the very best of luck and I am very privileged to be joining her team of food-blogging recipe testers.
All I need now is a huge jar of vanilla sugar and I’ll be away with my first recipe!

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