Simple and in Season September Blogging Event
I’m so pleased to welcome you all to another round of Simple and in Season. We are now into September and on the brink of Autumn here in the UK, though elsewhere some of you may still have sunshine…
•This is the fifth  round and it will runs up until 15th October 2011. I will pick a winner shortly after (excluding myself obviously) and will include a round-up post including everyone who has entered.
•You can take inspiration from anywhere – adapt a recipe from your favourite cookbook, try something from a magazine, make up your own creation or share a family favourite. The usual rules apply when using someone else’s recipe, please either get permission from the author to post it or adapt it in some way stating how/why you’ve changed it
•Include any seasonal produce you fancy including fruit, veg, herbs, meat or fish
•Link as many recipes as you like. You can link posts entered into other blog events or carnivals as long as it involves a seasonal food item (and fits in with their rules)
•The linky-up is open to anyone, anywhere. I’m happy to post prizes abroad and although it will be nice to feature as much British produce as possible, it will be interesting to see what’s in season elsewhere.
•If you have questions or problems, email me or leave me a comment in the comment box at the bottom of the post.
Happy cooking and eating!

There are already quite some links. Hm, somehow I don’t see a link up form to link up. Otherwise I would have had a go.
Oops, I just recognised, this post was from two years ago. Those people that can read truly have an advantage. Sorry.
Hi ren!
I just submitted my recipe for a moist apple cake with five spice added! really excited because it was for my birthday and i made sure to use the more interesting british apples from the farmers’ market (: hope you like it!
HI Ren,
I have just submitted my entry into Simple and in Season! Hope you like it,
Laura@howtocookgoodfood x
Just added another recipe to Simple and in Season for September. So many lovely things available right now.
Enjoying having a look at what everyone else is doing with their autumnal cooking. I’ve submitted three items – I hope that’s OK and that I’ve done it all correctly.
Hmm.. can’t seem to find the linky after the move.. or am I blind?
Hi Janet, no, it got lost during the move! Trying to fix it!
Hopefully fixed now 🙂 I have added all the links from the comments here…they should now show.
Hi Ren,
I’m struggling with the linky this time too. Here’s my second submission for this months challenge.
PS Please don’t enter me for the prize this month; or if my name did come up – I’d rather this prize go to someone else.
>Hi Urvashi, half way up the page you'll see all the pink links. You add the link to the form there. If you are struggling just let me know which post you want to link up and I will link it for you. Thanks for taking part!
>Hi I've not done this before and I can't figure out how to do the Simply linked thingie? Am rubbish at technology!
>Thank you so much Shaheen. Just had a peek – your tart is stunning…a very strong contender this month!
>I really appreciate this way of showcasing seasonal fruit and veg and appreciate you for hosting. So here is my entry for this month, as i thoroughly enjoyed participating last month.
>Thank you so much for linking up, must try Dolma soon!
>added my entry
Grape leaf rolls or Dolma
torviewtoronto and createwithmom
>will link up soon 🙂
>Karen I can't wait to see what's in your beautiful French garden for inspiration this month.
Sally, thanks for the commment. My kids actually love mushrooms but I was afraid that the little one would get to keen to start picking and eating random things! I don't remember that my mum ever took me with her, I just remember her, my grandmother and a friend always coming back with bags and bags of them. My favourite is 'pierogi' with cabbage and mushrooms 🙂 Ooh, that might have to be my entry for this month!
>My Polish aunt and uncle used to venture off into the Forest of Dean at this time of year and come back laden with all sorts of wild stuff. They would carefully lay out their specimens and then fry them with onions. As children we were expected to taste them and to enjoy them, which we did. I find it utterly incomprehensible that many children (my teens included) find cultivated mushrooms too much of a challenge! I would love to join a mushroom hunt but alas will have to make the most of being in one of the sunnier places you mention!
>Wonderful ideas for September and I loved your mushroom tale too! I am looking forward Autumn and all the bountiful produce……thanks for hosting this Ren, count me in!
>Thank you too, Marie, you're so welcome. I really enjoyed all the August offerings. September is exciting as we leave the summer behind.
>Hi Lauren, I know what you mean! I'm sure you will be able to find some wild mushrooms in the shops. Really look forward to whatever seasonal treats you'd like to share!
>Thanks for doing this wonderful round up of Autumn/September dishes. I love seasonal cooking. Can't wait to see what everyone else posts! September is a most delicious month! xx
>Mushroom hunting sounds exciting, but I don't know anyone with experience, so I'm a little afraid of poisoning myself! :-/ This is my first time to participate in Simple and In Season (my recipe is the Beetroot and Apple Salad), so I'm really excited!