Simple and in Season July Blog Event Now Open
Hello and thank you to everyone who entered the second round of Simple and in Season – June here on Fabulicious Food!

Here is a re-cap on the guidelines:
•All you have to do is come up with a dish using any seasonal produce you like (savoury or sweet) post it on your blog, mention Simple and in Season/Fabulicious Food! and add a link to your post in the box below (via Simply Linked).
•This is the third round and it will runs up until the end of July. I will pick a winner on 1st August (excluding myself obviously) and will include a round-up post soon after including everyone who has entered as well as launching the next month’s challenge
•You can take inspiration from anywhere – adapt a recipe from your favourite cookbook, try something from a magazine, make up your own creation or share a family favourite. The usual rules apply when using someone else’s recipe, please either get permission from the author to post it or adapt it in some way stating how/why you’ve changed it
•Include any seasonal produce you fancy including fruit, veg, herbs, meat or fish
•Link as many recipes as you like. You can link posts entered into other blog events or carnivals as long as it involves a seasonal food item (and fits in with their rules)
•The linky-up is open to anyone, anywhere. I’m happy to post prizes abroad and although it will be nice to feature as much British produce as possible, it will be interesting to see what’s in season elsewhere.
•If you have questions or problems, email me or leave me a comment in the comment box at the bottom of the post
Here are my favourite websites if you need a little inspiration –
What’s in Season (a great website with an A-Z picture guide of what’s in season)
Eat the Seasons (tells you what’s good this week, eg jersey royal new potatoes, asparagus etc)
Well Seasoned (more about what’s in season including seasonality charts)
British Peas and Beans (featuring A Taste of Summer with tons of inspiring recipe
>Thanks Marc, hope you continue to enjoy the round-ups!
>Wow I would love to submit a recipe to join this contest. Unfortunately, I don't really know how to cook lol. I'm looking forward to the winner of this event! Great job to those who joined.
>Very cool post!
>Hi Ren,
I have just submitted my recipe for this months blogging event.
In the nick of time!
>Dear Karen
Thank you so much for entering your recipes, I love your Wild Salmon PIe with Peas – how delicious! I'm so pleased you are enjoying blogging it is a great way to connect with the world and with like-minded foodies – though you are a pro already! I look forward to meeting you at Food Bloggers Connect!
>Thanks for the warm welcome Ren ~ I am new to blogging, although I have been food writing for a few years now…..but blogging is so different, but I am loving it, I think!
I am SO inspired by what you have achieved in 9 months ~ and your blog is wonderful ~ it covers many of my favourite food subjects, mainly seasonal produce and British produce.
>Wow Karen thank you so much for your recipes – lovely to find your blog!
>What a fabulous event to promote all that is seasonal…….great ~ thanks so much for hosting it!
Karen ~ Lavender and Lovage
>hmmm.. it turns out my link url is too long to post. Could you possibly add it manually?
>Thank you Shaheen and thanks for entering. The round-up has finally been posted! I loved your Pasta Loaf 🙂
>Thanks for hosting this event. As someone who enjoys cooking with the seasons, this is really up my street or should i say veg garden.
>Thank you so much for entering Purely Food!
I love berries too, will be coming up woth some tasty posts and last month's round up very soon too!!
>The berries at the farmer's market are irresistible right now, we always end up buying more than we can eat, and baking them into some delicious goodies. Thanks for hosting!
>Great idea for a blog event. I'm cooking (and trying to find time to blog) so much seasonal food right now. I've entered my favorite so far this month.